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Welcome to Bunbury Bridge Club.

For information regarding the 2025 Introductory Lessons Programme, refer to the Lessons page

Player Partnering Service: If you are looking for a partner, please phone Liz Norton on 0448 336 215.

Under the sub heading "Useful Links", members are referred to the Contact page for links to the BAWA and ABF sites as well as other resources to enhance your bridge game.

To access the latest meeting minutes, please refer to the Documents page. Alternatively, hardcopies can be located in the blue folder near the club room kitchen.

Bunbury Bridge Club Inc. was formed on 27 June 1981 by about 30 enthusiasts from the Bunbury area. They played at various venues around Bunbury, until purchasing their own Club premises at the corner of Balgore Way and Gurinda Street, Carey Park. We play friendly but competitive duplicate bridge four times a week, plus once a week there is a supervised session on Tuesday evenings. Occasionally there will be player development sessions on offer on Tuesday evenings alongside the supervised session. Refer to the Lessons page for updated details of the player development program.

Visitors are welcome to all playing sessions.

Monday and Friday bridge sessions are considered to be more of a "fast" tempo game, having approximately 6.5 - 7 minutes of playing time allocated for each board with the 2 minute rule in affect. *Number of boards played: Minimum = 26; Maximum =32.

Wednesday and Saturday bridge sessions are considered to be more of a "relaxed" tempo game to allow for easier transition of beginners into regular playing sessions. In the "relaxed" tempo game players are given the full 7 minute playing time for each board and the 2 minute rule does not come into affect. The directors of these sessions take into consideration that beginners are present at these sessions and they run the session accordingly. *Number of boards played: Minimum = 24; Maximum =28.

*Except under extenuating circumstances.

Club bank details are BSB: 016 560 Acc No: 253692973 Acc Name: Bunbury Bridge Club

See our Contact page for more club details and a copy of the club's Constitution.

Club members are invited to use the resources in the club's library. The stock of reference books has been updated. If you borrow a book from the library, please enter the details in the lever arch file located inside the book cabinet and please return the book to the cabinet within a reasonable time. Enjoy the reads!

(C) Altosoft and Bunbury Bridge Club 2024
Site template developed by Peter Busch, Altosoft
and content managed by Bunbury Bridge Club 
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